Jan 24, 2012

Age old debate: Pork Bacon vs Turkey Bacon

This debate has been the forefront of common society's minds for ages.  Probably since cave man created fire, they wanted to know which is better...the pig or the turkey???

I have done some mionor research and come to find out a few things about both of these interesting slabs of meat our community devours on a daily basis.  This test was done based on your normal bodega selection of both bacons - nothing fancy...no test kitchen here!

Pork bacon and turkey bacon have a very similar caloric count, avg 35 calories per slice.  Yes, different brands vary, but this test was not conducted with every bacon brand made.  Turkey has a naturally higher sodium level, some brands are double that of a normal (not including low sodium) pork bacon brands.  The fat in both turkey and pork averaged out to about 2.5%.  However, pork has a higher saturdated fat content, which is one of the reasons for high cholesterol.   The kicker is, turkey bacon actually is significantly lower in protein than pork bacon.  With either one you are risking either high saturated fat or high sodium...choose your vice! 

I've chosen and only pork belongs on this fork!  Besides the obvious that pork bacon is found naturally in a pig and turkey bacon is a processed man made "bacon" from the dark meat of a turkey and processed in a factory somewhere to taste and look like bacon, pork bacon just TASTE better.  Turkey bacon companies aren't fooling me when it comes to look, taste and texture.  I am onto their games and schemes and I will stick with pork bacon.

Choose your bacon because of taste (or religion), not because of the health reasons because...well...it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference.  It holds true that you should eat everything in moderation, even turkey bacon.  To find out what the masses really eat, lets take it to the polls...

Pork Bacon or Turkey Bacon?


  1. Yes many people fail to realize that pork has more protein which is my main reason for its frequent consumption. Great article.
